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The training of Enjoy Eat is made by 3 phases. Participating partially cannot be an option: if you want to take part in the training make sure that you can take active part in all 3 phases.


Phase 1 - Preparation:

16th September - 15th October 2019

The participants prepare for the training together with the sending organizations.

* They organize their travel and the practical aspects;

* They prepare a presentation about the legal requirements to prepare and serve food for groups in their country (certificates, permits, courses, how to get them and costs), more details will be given after the confirmation of the participants;

* They participate in the on-line preparation happening through a Facebook group with all participants.


Phase 2 - Training course:

17th - 23rd October 2019

It's the core element of the experience. Participants share what they prepared in the 1st phase. They are involved in non-formal activities aimed to experience how to train soft skills in young people while improving competences in the fields of nutrition, cooking for groups and job market related to food. They are involved also in 2 visits to local food companies and in the preparation of a manual that includes all the material produced during the project.



Arrival day: 16th October 2019

Program: 17th - 23rd October 2019

Departure day: 24th October 2019


Phase 3 - Post-training:

November - December 2019

Participants fill in the evaluation form, the Erasmus+ individual report and write a testimonial of their experience. They also share the manual and the other results produced through the training.
They send all the required travel documents to Associazione Vagamondo who reimburse their travel expenses within the end of December 2019

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