The Youth Exchange of Enjoy Eat! is made by 4 phases. Participating partially cannot be an option: if you want to take part in the exchange make sure that you can take an active part in all the phases related to your role as described below
Advanced Preparatory Meeting (APV)
17th January: Arrival day
18th – 19th January: Activities days
20th January: Departure day
In January some of the leaders and participants took part in the APV, and already started to work on the development of the project. Now they are ready to transfer the information to the new leaders during the preparation time of the exchange. What they did in the APV:
A) they got to know each other and the local area
B) they shared their needs and competencies that they already have upon the main topics
C) they created a common pre-exchange preparation plan
D) they got support from the coordinators to facilitate part of the program of the exchange
E) they shared ideas for fundraising activities in connection with food that they could implement to cover part of their expenses during the exchange
15th June - 12thJuly
A) Each national group is created and include 1 leader and 5 participants. The participants and leaders who took part in the APV, will meet for an online session with the new group leaders, and share what they did in the APV, in order to communicate it to each national group and guide them in the preparation of the exchange
B) The leaders and the participants prepare their contribution to the exchange: a non-formal activity aimed at increasing the competencies of the participants (knowledge, skills or attitudes) in the main areas of the project. The coordinator of the exchange, experienced youth workers, will support all participants and leader in giving shape and developing their workshop ideas. Think about it before filling the application form, as we ask you to share your first basic idea there!
C) Each national group decide how to represent its culture during the youth exchange: they choose 1 typical food to bring in order to present their culture and also some interactive activities.
D) Participants start knowing each other and break the ice through online tools
11th July: Arrival day of the leaders
12th July: Arrival day of the participants
13rd - 22nd July: Program days
23rd July: Departure day
It is the core activity of the whole experience, space where participants and leaders meet, exchange their knowledge about the main topics, experience and deliver non-formal education activities.
Some of the main points of the Exchange:
A) Experience 10 days of disconnection from any technology (mobile phone, laptop, internet connection, digital watches, MP3, radio, etc.)
B) Learn about each others culture through food and interactive activities
C) Learn about cooking, nutrition and increase group work and soft skills
D) Get involved in sport, dance and outdoor activities
E) Make an action plan to implement a healthier lifestyle once back home
F) Discover the local area
follow up
August - September 2021
It is the closing phase of the project.
A) Each national group organize one activity of its choice to share the competencies that they gained in the field of cooking, food, nutrition, sport, dance, movement, outdoor activities or healthy use of technologies involving a minimum of 15 people, in the age target 15-30. It can be a presentation, implementing one of the workshops done during the exchange or a new one; it can be a practical activity where you experience with others outdoor activities, hiking together or related to healthy use of technology. It is up to you, it can be made individually or in national group/couples.
B) Each participant and leader write a short testimonial of their experience, fill in an evaluation form and share the pictures, documentary and other concrete outcomes of the project.
C) Each participant and leader fill in and receive the Youthpass certificate
D) Each participant and leader receive the travel reimbursement